Tuesday, May 10, 2011

sweet green come close

kids letters to aliens

We are simply interested in the never-ending vastness of space, as I am sure you are too.
This is how we look like. We have hair. Hair is like strings hanging out my head.
If you don’t want to be called aliens then tell us.
Dear Aliens. Who knows, someday we won’t be aliens but will call each other Friend.
Dear Aliens.
Dear other worldly being,
Dear Superior Being.
Also, the humans on Earth are strange.

from here after reading this



ultraviolet darling said...

I missed this, it's s o o o o good!!! Reminded me of this: http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2009/01/16/opinion/16letterA_ready.html ahahahahahahaaaa xo
P.s. My last unfinished email to you is trapped on my laptop at school....my body is resisting leaving my cozy house for school! Soon xoxo

heavy puff said...

hambugers-!!! yes!! hehehe. the underlining, the crooked column of numbers, Jayne in careful cursive & her wild presumptuousness. kidz.thanks girl! XOOXOXO