Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tara's show at Family Bookstore + our NSEW split zine: O.O.H.


Tara Sinn's show at Family <3<3 It's up till February 8th go see it! there are amazing free posters that she designed too, I got 3 of those babies.

I don't remember if I mentioned here before but Tara and I collaborated on a split zine for Jessica's NSEW Press(coming out in the next few months!). The last two photos above are evidence of our hanging out and gobbling herbal snow/lavender/butter chip sprinkled ice cream and perusing mockups of the split zine. I've attempted to sum up My Feelings about making the zine with Tara(mile long emails we exchanged covering topics like: periods boobs puberty strife, halfieness, ghosts, boyz, lynda barry etc etc) and then meeting her and looking at our preemie zine baby, in the visual poem below:

photos are: LIZ,stills I capped from a video about a duststorm in arizona / mad men / twin peaks / paris is burning / the year my voice broke


Erandi said...

Oh man! Can´t wait to see that zine! <3

PS: I missed your pictures at flickr, everything is so boring there now, I just post nonsense instagram and "bussiness" archive pictures sigh

heavy puff said...

oh cool hope you like it! yea flickr is not the same anymore :/

mari said...

So excited for your zine reveal and all your 2012 art endeavors, love love.

heavy puff said...

you my babe