Saturday, September 25, 2010

weee come visit!!!


mari said...

wow, so blown away to see all your photos in one collection, a gallery of nostalgia and soft beauty. I'm so proud of you!

mari said...

wow, so blown away to see all your photos in one collection, a gallery of nostalgia and soft beauty. I'm so proud of you!

heavy puff said...

awwww marisa<333333

Strick said...

I love it! It makes me miss our photo adventures.


Gabby said...

Hi! This is Gabby, Marisa and Jorge's friend that you met at The Park. Your blog and website are both lovely! It was very nice to meet you, and I hope we can all hang out again soon. If you want to be in touch:

Elina Minn said...

I havn't even look at the site yet but eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! *excited*

heavy puff said...

I miss you too shannon!!!
-elina heehee!! Im glad you're excited!! its exciting and scary/weird. official web existence, its hard for me to be internetly serious haha

heavy puff said...

Hi Gabby! thanks!! It was so cool to meet you too and eat tiny cupcakes and drink champagne in pink paper cups at your cute place. I will email you<3